Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sara's "new" bed

Because Sara figured out how to climb out of her crib, we decided to tranform it into a toddler bed. She has been so good and hasn't gotten out even once. She loves to sit and read after she wakes up.

This morning, Jacob wanted to get his little sister up before church. I caught him reading to her.

They pay me for this!

Here I am at work on an airplane with my crewmembers.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

...and he kicked preschool to the curb.

Today was Jacob's first day of Kindergarten. Big day.

At his table, he got to sit with good friends Carson and Hudson. They opened up their supply boxes and got to work.

Jacob seemed excited for his first day.

Notice Sara is fitting right in taking her brother's crayon. Some things stay the same.

Jeanne Brandenburg is going to make Jacob's kindergarten year so memorable!

Monday, August 17, 2009

More friends!

The Nykoruk's came and visited, too. We went to Galveston and had a ton of fun.
Dakota and Sara explored in the warm water.

Here are all the kids. I had to be in the picture because Sara was feeling a little like she didn't want anyone to sit with her except for me.
Laken, Sara (and me), Dakota and Jacob

Visiting friends

The Mull's came to visit after moving to St. Louis over a year ago. They are dear friends of ours and we have missed them. It was a wonderful reunion.
These two hit the ground running and had a wonderful time together.
Hailey was still a baby when they left. She and Sara got along well considering they are both toddlers and the center of their own universes.

Jacob is a good big brother and played ring-around-the-rosy with them. Look how Hailey is looking at him all smiley.