Saturday, November 22, 2008

Decorating Cookies

I have come to realize that a super-clean house is not one of those things that my children will remember from their childhood. I want to create memories of love and fun. Because I have learned to let some things go, we tend to do more things like this...

They both had a good time and made some wonderfully creative cookies. You will just have to believe me about Sara's cookies. She promptly ate each one she decorated!

Turkey Day Comes Early

Sara made this headband at Mother's Day Out on Friday.

Her teacher, Ms. Diane, said she was the only one to wear it for a long time. Sara was so excited for me to see her in it!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Pumpkin Carving Party

We were invited to a party to carve our jack-o-lanterns. We had fun getting messy and carving (not so) scary faces!
Daddy has a little help from Miss I-Can-Do-It-Myself (oh man, are we in trouble!).

Jacob is into making faces when I try to take his picture. This one is titled "Apathy".

Pumpkin Patch

Market Street

My kids love playing in the fountain at Market Street in The Woodlands. This day was unplanned so my children had nothing to change into after getting wet. Sara and Jacob didn't mind riding home in their skivvies, though.

For you who live north of us...I know! It's October and children are running around outside half dressed! And wet!!

Windrose Lake

We have a small lake (pond?) well within walking distance from our house. Joel took the kids one day near sundown. They got to play with the ducks and throw rocks into the water. Best of all, for me at least, was that Joel took some good photos of my kids while I was out of town.